Selasa, 01 November 2011

Soal UTS

Mata Kuliah : Filsafat Pendidikan Islam (Open Book)
Dosen Pembimbing : Dr.Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah, M.PdI
Jurusan : PAI
Semester : III

1.Coba anda analisis pernyataan dibawah ini
It can be said that the phylosophy of education began when people first became concious of education as a distinct human activity. Although preliterate societies didnt have the long-range goals and complex social systems we find in modern times, and while they didnt have the analytical tools that modern philosopher have, even preliterate education involved a philosophical attitude about life. Humanity had a philosophy of education long before we knew what it was or what it could mean in term of educational development
In earlier times, education was primarly for survival. Children were taught the skill necessary for living. Gradually, however, people came to use education for a variety of purposes. Today, education may be used not only for survival (though recent ecological studies show that it may still be used for such purposes) but also for better use of leisure time (waktu luang) and refinement (kehidupan) in social and cultural life. As the practice of education has developed, so also have philosophies about education; however, it has become easy for us to overlook the connection between theory and practice and to deal with practice apart from theory. We may in a dilemma because we seem to be more involved with the practical aspects of education than we are with an analysis of educational theory and its connection with practice. What we need is not only better theorizing about education and better methods but also a concerted effort to join the two. Thinking about education without consideration for the practical world means that philosopher of education became web spinners (Jaringan Pemintal)of thought engaged in mere academic exercises. On the other hand, tinkering with educational methods without serious thought result in practices that have little substance or meaning
2.Jelaskan maksud pengertian Tarbiyah dan Fitrah dibawah ini
التربية الإسلامية
تنمية فكرالإنسان,و تنظيم سلوكه,وعواطفه,على أساس الدين الإسلامي, وبقصد تحقيق أهداف الإسلام في حياة الفرد والجماعة
فى هذا الموضوع نبحث عن الفطرة والتربية الإسلامية وما تعلق فيها. فى الإسلام نسمع كثيرا من هذين ولانعرف ما تعريفهما. قد قال الله تعالى فى القرأن الكريم عنهما يعنى فى سورة الروم 30
والفطرة هنا فطرة التوحيد والعبودية لله سبحانه وتعالى لا شريك له، فكل إنسان مفطور عليها. قد قال محمد فوار و عبد الباقى فى معجم غريب القرأن أن الفطرة يأتى بمعنى الإسلام لوجه الله سبحا نه وتعالى، والتوجه إلى القدرة الخا لقة للوجود كله توجها واعيا خا لصا صريحا لله سبحا نه وتعالى.

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